Why Visiting a Cosmetic Dentist Can Improve Your Outlook on Life

Cosmetic DentistIf you are looking for a reason to visit a cosmetic dentist and improve your smile, keep reading. There is scientific evidence to show that smiling can actually improve your life, or at least how you feel about it. 

Smiling: It’s all about the science

Yes, improving your smile is something that can make you feel better about yourself. Improving your self-esteem should not be underrated since this can influence how you interact with others. However, there is much more going on from a scientific perspective every time you smile. Smiling releases the molecules that allow your neurons to communicate with each other. Called neuropeptides, they allow you to feel happy and excited or sad and depressed. Smiling releases positive neuropeptides, also known as dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. There are serious emotional, mental, and physical benefits associated with doing so. The list is long and includes:

Here are some of the benefits of Smiling:

  • A reduction in stress
  • The ability to lower your blood pressure and reduce your heart rate
  • Reduction in any pain you are experiencing, just like if you were taking medication
  • Increased feelings of happiness and overall well-being
  • Improvement in your mood

As a cosmetic dentist, we know that when you smile, you also look more attractive and friendly to everyone you encounter. This can naturally lead to benefits in your social and professional life. This is because when you see a smiling face, it activates your orbitofrontal cortex, and you can actually feel happier or rewarded because you saw someone smile. When you combine the fact that smiles are contagious, every time you smile, you are helping others feel better as their brain releases endorphins. Scientifically, smiling can actually make your life and your world a better place.

Visit Our Office If You Don’t Like Your Smile

If the appearance of your smile is preventing you from wanting to show off your pearly whites, visit our cosmetic dentist office. When you smile, the world around you improves and so does your mood. However, many people are afraid to smile because they do not like having missing teeth, gaps in between them, stains, etc. We can correct all of these things and more using modern cosmetic dentistry solutions, from dental veneers to crowns, dental implants, and even teeth whitening.

Improve your smile with these cosmetic dentistry treatments:

Close gaps in between your teeth

We can do this using dental bonding or by placing dental veneers or crowns on your teeth.

Replace missing teeth

We can use dental implants or dental bridges as a secure way to replace missing teeth that are more durable and natural-looking than dentures.

Remove stains

If your teeth are stained or discolored, we can remove the stains and whiten them using our advanced teeth whitening solution. Gentle yet effective, this is an excellent way to improve your smile and also make you look younger.

Create a uniform smile

If you have teeth that are longer than each other or your smile does not look symmetrical, we can help correct it.

Find out which of these solutions would work best for your smile.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with North Atlanta Center for Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry,request an appointment in our Buford dental office here: https://buforddentist.com. Or call us at (770) 932-1115.

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