7 Signs Your Oral Hygiene Routine Needs to Be Improved

Oral HygeinePracticing good oral hygiene comes with many benefits like fewer visits to the dentist and healthy-looking teeth. Conversely, failing to take good care of your mouth can lead to some rather serious oral and overall health issues.

7 signs to improve an oral hygiene routine

1. Tooth decay

Tooth decay is one of the most common oral health issues and failing to properly clean the mouth makes one more susceptible to it. This is due to the fact food particles remain in the mouth whenever someone eats. These food particles eventually turn into plaque that combines with the acid-producing bacteria in the mouth to damage the enamel of the teeth. The enamel is a natural protective barrier for the teeth. If the enamel deteriorates, there is no protection for the inner layers of the teeth.

2. Gum disease

Gum disease is the second most prevalent oral health issue. Some of the first symptoms of the earlier stages of gum disease are sensitive gums that bleed during brushing. Fortunately, it is reversible at this stage. However, the latter stages of tooth decay are irreversible and it will eventually lead to the teeth falling out. The earlier stages of gum disease, known as gingivitis, are also reversible by having the person improve his or her oral hygiene. Nonetheless, it is important to consult a dentist the moment symptoms begin to manifest.

3. Tartar

Tartar is the calcified plaque that gives the teeth a yellow tint. It is the result of plaque remaining on the teeth for extended periods of time. When people notice significant tartar buildup on the teeth, it is usually a sign of not brushing enough or not having good brushing technique.

4. Bad breath

Who wants to have dragon breath? What did you do the last time you have a conversation with someone with rancid breath? If you are anything like most people, you would probably end the conversation as quickly as possible. While bad breath is typically a sign of poor oral hygiene it can also be the result of other health issues like respiratory or gastrointestinal issues.

5. Badly-stained teeth

When someone takes proper care of his or her teeth, it rare to see lots of stains developing. Discolored or badly stained teeth are usually a sign that the individual is not cleaning them properly. Teeth can also gain stains when a person consumes lots of foods with strong coloring agents like coffee or pasta sauce.

6. Infected teeth

An infected tooth is usually a sign of not properly taking care of teeth. When teeth do not receive cleanings on a regular basis, tooth decay begins to develop. If the poor oral cleaning habits continue, the decay will eventually reach the pulp of the tooth. When this happens, the pulp and the nerves inside can become infected.

7. Frequent dental emergencies

When the teeth are not healthy, they are more susceptible to cracks, breaks and fractures. These dental issues require professional treatments from a dentist. Want to learn more about improving your oral health? Contact a dentist today. Request an appointment in our Buford dentist office here: https://buforddentist.com.

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