7 Common Adult Dental Traumas

Drink WaterLooking for a little information on some of the more common types of dental trauma found in adults? When it comes to a dental injury in adults and dental trauma in children, there is a difference between the two. The main difference is that children experience trauma to their mouth more often than adults do. When adults experience dental trauma, it is usually due to some blunt force to the upper front teeth.According to the International Association of Dental Traumatology, 33 percent of adults will have experienced some form of trauma to their permanent teeth.

Common causes of adult dental traumas

Some of the more common reasons why an adult will experience trauma to their mouth include being involved in a car accident, tripping and falling and hitting their face on the hard ground and getting punched in the face when playing sports. Other reasons adults will experience some form of dental trauma include biting or chewing on hard objects and being diagnosed with bruxism.

Common adult dental traumas

Dental trauma includes any injury made to the teeth, gums, lips, palate, tongue, ligaments, bones and soft tissues of the mouth. The following is a list of seven of the more common dental traumas adults will experience. While all do require the assistance of a dental professional for proper repair, some need immediate dental services.Common adult trauma #1 – a knocked out tooth. A knocked out tooth means that the whole tooth has completely fallen out of the mouth.Common adult trauma #2 – a dislodged tooth. A displaced tooth can mean that the tooth can be moved around, which means that it is not in its correct position.Common adult trauma #3 – split tooth. A split tooth can be minor or major.Common adult trauma #4 – chipped tooth. A chipped tooth can be minor or major.Common adult trauma #5 – fractured tooth. A fractured tooth can be minor or major.Common adult trauma #6 – cracked tooth. A cracked tooth can be minor or major.Common adult trauma #7 – worn down teeth. Worn down teeth often occur in dental patients diagnosed with bruxism.

In need of dental services?

If you are an adult who has recently experience dental trauma, then we ask that you call us as soon as possible to make an appointment. The difference between saving a tooth and losing a tooth can be directly related to the time it takes for someone who has experienced trauma to get to the dentist. Many traumatic dental experiences can be corrected when addressed promptly, which makes it vital for you to see a dentist as soon as possible if you have experienced any dental trauma.Call (770) 932-1115 today to reach North Atlanta Center for Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry.